Bookmark It!: Quora

One of the coolest sites I’ve discovered since I’ve come to college is Quora. Some of you areĀ already are members of this cool Q&A site, but I think this post will be pretty valuable to all of you nonetheless.

Essentially, Quora is a huge community of knowledgeable people (and Mihir), who gather together online to expand their knowledge. It has detailed, insightful questions and answers about just about every conceivable topic, and even includes stand-alone blog-type posts and spirited debates. But none of this really does Quora justice, so I thought instead that I’d leave you with one of the coolest answers I’ve seen on Quora and one of the best pieces of writing and creativity I’ve ever seen on the Internet. It’s so good that it deserves its own full link:

Now, Quora has its fair share of problems. It’s got a lot of Indian people (read: FOBs), and some of the dialogue on there is slightly condescending and haughty, but regardless, I firmly recommend that you bookmark Quora and check it out regularly. I haven’t been very active on the community yet, but I do plan to start (eventually), so be sure to follow me when you join!